
Issue #26 resolved
Amartya Sanyal created an issue

Is it okay if we code the graph in .dot file and then use the dot2tex to convert it to tex file or is it to compulsory to have to code it in a tex file using the dot2tex package?

Comments (3)

  1. Piyush P Kurur

    On Thu, Apr 09, 2015 at 07:21:21PM -0000, Amartya Sanyal wrote:

    No use the dot2texi package. In fact using the dot2texi package can be easier than the method you say.

  2. Piyush P Kurur

    On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 10:53:15AM -0000, gsoumya wrote:

    Yes you can and should experiment with different layout algorithms as you have noticed that different algorithms have different sweet spots. dot2texi gives you options to specify which layout algorithm to use.

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