Defeated Meatlumps transporting after being defeated

Issue #111 closed
pcgoblin created an issue

There are few variations. Meatlump is defeated, falls and then stands up, falls again, then sometimes disappears.

Meatlump runs to me, is defeated, falls, then teleports back to where they started. Sometimes they are standing again, and fall again. Sometimes they transport lying on the ground.

When they transport, it is more like teleportation.

I've attached Images of the Meatlump that fell, stood up, then fell again. The initial fall,and standing was very fast. It stood long enough for me to think "I should get a snap shot of that."

Comments (6)

  1. pcgoblin reporter

    Correction: I'm on Kashyyyk, and killed a wookie guard in the Varactyl area. He died, fell, stood up for a couple seconds, and then fell again. NOT teleported to the ground as I said before.

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