Critical Hit

Issue #186 new
Mads Boddum created an issue

Critical hits increase damage done by 50%.

There are many skillmods that can increase the effective chance:

  • General critical chance
  • PvP critical chance (only applies against players)
  • Humanoid critical chance (only applies against humanoid NPCs)
  • Droid critical chance (only applies against droid NPCs)
  • Weapon type critical chance (e.g. Rifle Critical Chance, increasing critical chance when using a rifle)
  • Ability type critical chance (e.g. Assault Critiical Chance, increasing critical chance of the Assault ability)
  • Critical hit reduction of the opponent (if you have 50% critical chance and your opponent has 20% critical hit reduction, then you effectively have 30% critical chance against them)

If the weapon has elemental damage, then the relevant debuff should be applied to the enemy. 10% of their elemental resist becomes the enemys chance to avoid having the debuff applied. 10000 Acid resist means 100% chance to resist the Acid debuff.

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