Unequipping/Reequipping a Statted item in Combat will RESET Action/Health to 100%

Issue #196 closed
Daniel Alexander created an issue

A bit of a major combat exploit - As said, unequipping/reequipping a statted item (e.g. a backpack or armor with say, ANY amount of Constitution or Stamina) will reset your Action/Health pool to 100%.

Comments (9)

  1. Daniel Alexander reporter

    Ah, I remember that, now! The game would block you from doing so, during combat and there would be a message that would pop-up if you tried to (un)equip something during combat:

    That was likely the reason for it.

    So possibly this might be resolved by simply Blocking players from (un)equipping anything that isn’t a weapon But does that mean stats are handled differently on weapons?

  2. Peter Tigges


    but nevertheless weapons can have stats too … so the bug is still valid and should be fixed

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