Rare loot tables

Issue #34 closed
Mads Boddum created an issue

The rare loot chests are currently unopenable because we don't have tables that describe the kind of loot each chest can grant.

I reckon we could use the StaticItemService to do the heavy lifting with item loading and have the RareLootService use that.

Comments (10)

  1. Peter Tigges

    atm there is a 1% chance set in code plus a max CL difference of 6

    following need to be solved/respected too:

    1) group members' max CL needs to be used for that max CL difference check otherwise a player only hits the NPC a few times while a high CL player helps him to get the kill 2) do we want to create more sub rls tables ? or set a minimum CL like 75 ? right now even a CL 1 Boss could drop Legendary loot. this could lead to massive camping of low CL ELITE and BOSS NPCs to get uba RLS loot.

    i would prefer some more sub RLS loot tables for different CL ranges

    • RARE_1_20
    • RARE_21_40
    • RARE_41_60
    • RARE_61_80
    • RARE_81_500
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