Hue of NPCs

Issue #42 closed
Peter Tigges created an issue

You can set the color of NPCs ... mainly creatures. info is stored in the NPC database => hue

Comments (8)

  1. Peter Tigges reporter

    the hue column in the npc database has values from 1 up to 45 as far as i can see

    /***** INCLUDES ********************************************************/
    include library.colors;
    include java.util.Set;
    include java.util.Iterator;
    /***** CONSTANTS *******************************************************/
    const string INDEX_BASE                        = "/private/index_color_";
    const string INDEX_1                           = "/private/index_color_1";
    const string INDEX_2                           = "/private/index_color_2";
    /***** FUNCTIONS ****************************************************/
     * @brief   overload function: allows passing of color instead
     *      of just color properties
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @param   string  varPathName
     * @param   color   rgb
     * @return      void
    boolean setColor(obj_id target, int varIdx, color c)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) || (c == null) || (varIdx < 0) )
            return false;
        string varPathName = INDEX_BASE + varIdx;
        return setColor(target, varPathName, c);
    boolean setColor(obj_id target, string varPathName, color c)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) || (varPathName == null) || (c == null) )
            return false;
        if ( varPathName.startsWith("/") )
            varPathName = varPathName.substring(1);
        custom_var cv = getCustomVarByName(target, varPathName);
        if ( cv == null )
            return false;
        if ( !cv.isPalColor() )
            return false;
        palcolor_custom_var pcv = (palcolor_custom_var)cv;
        if ( pcv == null )
            return false;
        return true;
     * @brief   overload function: allows passing of color instead
     *      of just color properties
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @param   string  varPathName
     * @param   color   rgb
     * @return      void
    boolean setColor(obj_id target, int varIdx, int paletteIdx)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) || (varIdx < 0) || (paletteIdx < 0) )
            return false;
        string varPathName = INDEX_BASE + varIdx;
        return setColor(target, varPathName, paletteIdx);
    boolean setColor(obj_id target, string varPathName, int paletteIdx)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) || (varPathName == null) || (paletteIdx < 0) )
            return false;
        if ( varPathName.startsWith("/") )
            varPathName = varPathName.substring(1);
        custom_var cv = getCustomVarByName(target, varPathName);
        if ( cv == null )
            return false;
        if ( !cv.isPalColor() )
            return false;
        ranged_int_custom_var ri = (ranged_int_custom_var)cv;
        if ( ri == null )
            return false;
        return true;
    int getVarColorIndex(obj_id target, string varPathName)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) || (varPathName == null) )
            return -1;
        if ( varPathName.startsWith("/") )
            varPathName = varPathName.substring(1);
        custom_var cv = getCustomVarByName(target, varPathName);
        if ( cv == null )
            return -1;
        if ( !cv.isPalColor() )
            return -1;
        ranged_int_custom_var ri = (ranged_int_custom_var)cv;
        if ( ri == null )
            return -1;
        return ri.getValue();
     * @brief   overload function: allows passing of color instead
     *      of just color properties
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @param   string  varPathName
     * @param   color   rgb
     * @return      void
    void setPalcolorCustomVarClosestColor(obj_id target, string varPathName, color c)
        if ( varPathName.startsWith("/") )
            varPathName = varPathName.substring(1);
        setPalcolorCustomVarClosestColor(target, varPathName, c.getR(), c.getG(), c.getB(), c.getA());
     * @brief   retrives the Palette Color Variables from target
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @return      ranged_int_custom_var[]; null if no PalcolorVars
    ranged_int_custom_var[] getPalcolorVars(obj_id target)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) )
            return null;
        custom_var[] allVars = getAllCustomVars(target);
        if ( allVars == null )
            return null;
        //LOG("hue","hue:getPalcolorVars: *************** target = " + target + " **************");
        int count = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < allVars.length; i++ )
            if ( allVars[i].isPalColor() )
        ranged_int_custom_var[] ret = new ranged_int_custom_var[count];
        int pos = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < allVars.length; i++ )
            if ( allVars[i].isPalColor() )
                //LOG("hue","hue:getPalcolorVars: found palcolor -> " + allVars[i].toString());
                ranged_int_custom_var ri = (ranged_int_custom_var)(allVars[i]);
                ret[pos++] = ri;
        if ( (ret == null) || (ret.length == 0) )
            return null;
        return ret;
     * @brief   retrives the Palette Color vars and data from target
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @return      dictionary; null on error
    dictionary getPalcolorData(obj_id target)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) )
            return null;
        ranged_int_custom_var[] palColors = getPalcolorVars(target);
        if ( (palColors == null) || (palColors.length == 0) )
            return null;
        dictionary d = new dictionary();
        for ( int i = 0; i < palColors.length; i++ )
            ranged_int_custom_var ri = palColors[i];
            d.put(ri.getVarName(), ri.getValue());
        return d;
    void setPalcolorData(obj_id target, dictionary colorData)
        if(colorData == null)
        ranged_int_custom_var[] palColors = getPalcolorVars(target);
        if(palColors == null || palColors.length == 0)
        for ( int i = 0; i < palColors.length; i++ )
            String varName = palColors[i].getVarName();
            if (colorData.containsKey(varName))
                int colorValue = colorData.getInt(varName);
     * @brief   randomly hues target object
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @return      void
    void hueObject(obj_id target)
        ranged_int_custom_var[] c = getPalcolorVars(target);
        if ( c != null )
            for ( int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
                int min = c[i].getMinRangeInclusive();
                int max = c[i].getMaxRangeInclusive();
                int randVal = rand(min, max);
     * Overload of hueObject written by T.Bailey 11/22/02 to facilitate hueing*
     * creatures given an int for their pallette color.           *
     *                                    *
    void hueObject(obj_id target, int color)
        ranged_int_custom_var[] c = getPalcolorVars(target);
        if ( c != null )
            for ( int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
     * @brief   retrives the Ranged Int Variables from target
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @return      ranged_int_custom_var[]; null if no PalcolorVars
    ranged_int_custom_var[] getRangedIntVars(obj_id target)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) )
            return null;
        custom_var[] allVars = getAllCustomVars(target);
        if ( allVars == null )
            //debugServerConsoleMsg(target, "hue.getRangedIntVars: no customization vars on target!");
            return null;
        ranged_int_custom_var[] ri = new ranged_int_custom_var[allVars.length];
        if ( ri == null )
            //debugServerConsoleMsg(target, "hue.getRangedIntVars: no customization vars on target!");
            return null;
        int n = 0;
        PROFILER_START("hue.getRangedIntVars.loopA." + allVars.length);
        for ( int i = 0; i < allVars.length; i++ )
            if ( allVars[i].isRangedInt() )
                ri[n] = (ranged_int_custom_var)allVars[i];
        PROFILER_STOP("hue.getRangedIntVars.loopA." + allVars.length);
        if ( n == 0 )
            return null;
        ranged_int_custom_var[] ret = new ranged_int_custom_var[n];
        if (ret == null)
            return null;
        PROFILER_START("hue.getRangedIntVars.loopB." + n);
        for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
            ret[i] = ri[i];
        PROFILER_STOP("hue.getRangedIntVars.loopB." + n);
        return ret;
     * @brief   randomly reshapes target object according to RI vars
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @return      void
    void reshapeObject(obj_id target)
        ranged_int_custom_var[] c = getRangedIntVars(target);
        if ( c != null )
            for ( int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
                int min = c[i].getMinRangeInclusive();
                int max = c[i].getMaxRangeInclusive();
                int randVal = rand(min, max);
            //debugServerConsoleMsg(target, "hue.reshapeObject: no palcolors to alter!");
     * @brief   randomly reshapes target object according to RI vars
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @return      void
    void randomizeObject(obj_id target)
        //debugSpeakMsg (target, "Being Rehued");
     * @brief   overload function: allows passing of color instead
     *      of just color properties
     * @param   obj_id  target
     * @param   string  varPathName
     * @param   color   rgb
     * @return      void
    boolean setRangedIntCustomVar(obj_id target, string cvar_name, int idx)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) || (cvar_name == null) || cvar_name.equals("") || (idx < 0) )
            return false;
        if ( cvar_name.startsWith("/") )
            cvar_name = cvar_name.substring(1);
        custom_var cv = getCustomVarByName(target, cvar_name);
        if ( cv == null )
            return false;
        if ( !cv.isRangedInt() )
            return false;
        ranged_int_custom_var ri = (ranged_int_custom_var)cv;
        if ( ri == null )
            return false;
        return true;
    boolean setTexture(obj_id target, int idx, int value)
        if ( !isIdValid(target) || (idx < 1) || (value < 0) )
            return false;
        string varPathName = "private/index_texture_" + idx;
        return setRangedIntCustomVar(target, varPathName, value);
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