Creatures do not drop loot

Issue #56 closed
Peter Tigges created an issue

Humanoid NPCs drop loot fine and no error. Once you kill a creature you don't get any loot and the error message below

06-03-18 15:04:25.113 E: Fatal Exception while processing intent: LootRequestIntent
06-03-18 15:04:25.114 E: Exception in thread "intent-processor-4" java.lang.NullPointerException: null
06-03-18 15:04:25.114 E: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
06-03-18 15:04:25.114 E:
06-03-18 15:04:25.114 E:
06-03-18 15:04:25.114 E:
06-03-18 15:04:25.114 E:     com.projectswg.common.control.IntentManager$
06-03-18 15:04:25.115 E:     com.projectswg.common.concurrency.PswgThreadPool$PswgThreadExecutor.threadRun(
06-03-18 15:04:25.115 E:     com.projectswg.common.concurrency.PswgThreadPool$PswgThreadExecutor.threadExecutor(
06-03-18 15:04:25.115 E:     java.base/

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