Work on UDB and MDB admin panels

Issue #38 resolved
Antoine Pietri created an issue

Some bugs/problems encountered during the regionals:

  • UDB seemed completely freezed (no way to edit a group or add an user)
  • You have to manually specify the uids in UDB and the IP in MDB (no way to get a sane default)
  • The ugly --uid-base in udb/
  • MDB must reject invalid hostnames (eg. containing '_')

Comments (4)

  1. Rémi Audebert
    • UDB seemed completely freezed (no way to edit a group or add an user)

    Probably because we used a Django super admin that was not in the "root" udb group. We always have to use users created by batchimport to access udb or mdb admin panels.

    • You have to manually specify the uids in UDB and the IP in MDB (no way to get a sane default)
    • The ugly --uid-base in udb/

    Created issue #44 for UID, and #45 for IP

    • MDB must reject invalid hostnames (eg. containing '_')

    In progress.

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