mdb: add a machine status field

Issue #41 open
Rémi Audebert created an issue

A machine status field will help us report any problem we have with a machine to the Bocal.

Suggested fields to add:

  • BooleanField is_faulty
  • TextField is_faulty_details

Side issues:

  • Integration with the usermap
  • Display the issue on the screen if the machine is booted (integration with netboot ie. the high tech version of a post-it)

Comments (9)

  1. Alexandre Macabies

    I suggest something more generic:

    • TextField state_details

    As such, is_usable ← state == WORKING.

  2. Paul Hervot

    I prefer the boolean field. Though I would rather name it "is_faulty" (for example) as the problem may not make the machine completely unusable while still needing to be reported.

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