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iMonDB / CollectorCLI

jMonDB-collector command-line interface

The jMonDB-collector is a schedulable tool that can be used to keep the information in the iMonDB up to date. The jMonDB-collector has to be executed from the command line, and has the following arguments:

usage: jMonDB-collector [-?] [-d <arg>] [-h <arg>] [-m <arg>] [-rd | -rn | -rw] [-v | -vv]
 -?,--help            show help
 -d,--day <arg>       the day of the week that the scheduler runs (Sunday: 1, Monday: 2, ...)
 -h,--hour <arg>      the hour of the day that the scheduler runs (0-23)
 -m,--minute <arg>    the minute that the scheduler runs (0-59)
 -rd,--run-daily      run the jMonDB collector scheduler daily
 -rn,--run-now        run the jMonDB collector scheduler immediately
 -rw,--run-weekly     run the jMonDB collector scheduler weekly
 -v,--verbose         verbose logging
 -vv,--very-verbose   extremely verbose logging

First, it is possible to enable a limited or extensive amount of logging through the -v and -vv flags. By default, only warnings and errors are logged. With limited logging, the progress of all files that need to be processed is logged (useful for keeping track how long the collector will execute), while with extensive logging additional details are logged.

Next, it has to be specified when the collector is executed, which can be either immediately (-rn), on a daily basis (-rd), or on a weekly basis (-rw). Furthermore, if the collector is scheduled on a daily basis, the time of day has to be provided (-h for the hour and -m for the minute of execution). This has to be provided when the collector is scheduled on a weekly basis as well, along with the weekday (-d requires a numerical day of the week, with Sunday as 1, and so on).

Furthermore, the jMonDB-collector will only function correctly if it is correctly configured through its config file.

If the jMonDB-collector is run on a daily or weekly basis, it will execute daily or weekly at the specified time. However, if the computer on which the collector is run is rebooted, the schedule information will be lost. To restart the collector after each reboot, the collector should be registered as a boot-up service or something similar.
