exchange_filter recipient is a 'str' object

Issue #117 resolved
Tylere Couture created an issue

When I try to create an exchange_filter:

exchange_filter(sender, recipient, recipient_list):
print(type(sender) # SimpleLazyObject
print(type(recipient) # str

The docs say recipient is supposed to be a User instance. But, because it’s using a string, no matter what I do it fails if I try to return anything other than None.

If I try to return False, or a string, I get:

'str' object has no attribute 'get_username'

django-postman==3.6.2 from pip install

Comments (9)

  1. Patrick Samson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    You are probably using a custom form and somewhere in the processing (clean_<something> maybe) the recipients are translated from User to string. It's true that recipient is expected to be kept as a User.

  2. Tylere Couture reporter

    Here’s my custom clean method on the recipients field, do you have a suggestion as to what I should be returning here?  The forms works fine with this, only the exchange method fails because the recipient is a string instead of a User object.

    def clean (self, value):
        """ This Select2 widget returns a list of ints representing, 
        need to convert that to comma seperated string for django-postman
        POSTMAN_NAME_USER_AS = 'id'
        POSTMAN_SHOW_USER_AS = lambda u:
        user_ids_comma_seperated_str = ",".join(map(str, value))
        return super (CommaSeperatedUserField, self).clean(user_ids_comma_seperated)
  3. Patrick Samson repo owner

    What your CommaSeperatedUserField inherits from?

    Do you have a to_python() method in your custom field?

  4. Patrick Samson repo owner

    Your real (wrong) code is:

    return super(BasicCommaSeparatedUserField, self).clean(user_ids_comma_seperated_str)

    Such writing calls django.forms.fields.CharField.clean(), which essentially returns the argument as-is, so a string instead of a list of User. It seems you misunderstand the usage of super, at many places. If you don’t bother with py27 compatibility, the best is to write it everywhere with the super() syntax only.

  5. Tylere Couture reporter

    Thank you! The exchange filter is working as expected now. Sorry for wasting your time on my ignorance of super.. 😞

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