Two issues with custom notification app

Issue #120 resolved
Martin Pauly created an issue

For our project we are using django-postman with a custom notifications app. This has resulted in two issues recently:

1.) Line 32 in requires the presence of a model NoticeType. If that line were part of the try-block a bit earlier one would need to have such a model.

2.) assumes that the corresponding function send() is part of a Django file. For us this is not the case. It would be very handy if in the code would also try to import notification=import_module(notifier_app_label) .

Both changes would make it a lot easier to write custom notification functions for django-postman. Would you be willing to merge a PR with these changes?

Comments (6)

  1. Patrick Samson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    OK to analyse the possibility. Could you drop an extract of your notification module (in to fully understand your design?

  2. Martin Pauly
    def send(users, label, extra_context):
        for user in users:
            # do some custom checks if the user should get a message
            if user.notify_on_new_message:
                message = extra_context['pm_message']
                # send an email notification
                email_message = Email(
                    subject=_("New message from {sender}").format(sender=message.sender.get_full_name()),

    This is a simplified version of what we are using. I could put this into its own Django app but this seems like a bit of an overkill… It would be really handy if I could just put that into a file With the suggested change, notification=import_module('somewhere.notify'), postman then would work as expected without requiring a full Django App. If you agree this might be userful, then I can prepare a Pull request.

  3. Patrick Samson repo owner

    I don’t think there is anything to change for point 1, the create_notice_types() isn't called in the case of the exception.

    For point 2, here is the planned code:

    # make use of a favourite notifier app such as pinax.notifications, or a custom module,
    # but if not installed or not desired, fallback will be to do basic emailing
    notification = None
    notifier_app_id = getattr(settings, 'POSTMAN_NOTIFIER_APP', 'pinax_notifications')
    if notifier_app_id:
        try:  # priority to an app label
            notifier_app_config = apps.get_app_config(notifier_app_id)
        except LookupError:  # probably means the app is not in INSTALLED_APPS, which is valid
            try:  # fallback to a custom module path
                notification = import_module(notifier_app_id)
            except ModuleNotFoundError:  # is valid for a default configuration, without notifier app or module
            notification = notifier_app_config.models_module  # "None if the application doesn’t contain a models module"

    Tell me if it's enough for your need.

  4. Martin Pauly

    Regarding 1.) you are right, I guess that problem just arose during some of my experiments.

    The planned code looks excactly like what I would need, so if you could add this, that would be great - thanks a lot!

  5. Martin Pauly

    Hi, I just wanted to briefly ask if you already have an estimate of when you will get around to adding this code? Is there anything that I can help out with? And thanks again in advance for adding it! 🙂

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