ReplyView attribute

Issue #123 closed
djakrej created an issue

It is possible to use the ReplyView attribute exchange_filter?

Comments (4)

  1. Patrick Samson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    The question is poorly worded, but the answer should be yes. Example:

    re_path(r'^reply_exch_filter_reason/(?P<message_id>[\d]+)/$', ReplyView.as_view(exchange_filter=exch_filter_reason), name='reply_with_exch_filter_reason'),
  2. djakrej reporter

    And it is possible to use exchange_filter on ConversationView.as_view() when sending a reply

  3. Patrick Samson repo owner

    Replying is an action in a view/template (served by ConversationView or MessageView) and hits ReplyView, so that is the one to have the exchange_filter attribute.

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