recipients are not set in the url 'postman:write'

Issue #130 closed
Saman Zand Haghighi created an issue

According to the documentation:
<a href="{% url 'postman:write' 'adm1:adm2:adm3' %}">write to admins</a>.

I traversed the process using a debugger. the initials are passed to the form, but the field, that is 'CommaSeparatedUserField', ignores the passed initials and nothing is set on the page.

Comments (4)

  1. Patrick Samson repo owner
    • changed status to open

    In the example, 'adm1' and others are supposed to be real User.USERNAME_FIELD values, so matching with real users, and with is_active at true.

    Can you check that? Otherwise, please give more details/material to investigate.

  2. Saman Zand Haghighi reporter

    apologies for taking a while. I’m using: Django 4.2 and postman version 4.3.2. To me it seems like the problem is that when using a model form, you can’t a dictionary of initials to it and instead you’d need to pass in an instance. I don’t know if it’s always been like that but that seems to be the problem as the list of recipients is passed under the initials kwarg.

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