Not compatible with django-notification 1.0

Issue #25 resolved
mikael_svensson created an issue

change django-postman / postman / management / #

   def create_notice_types(*args, **kwargs):
        notification.create_notice_type("postman_rejection", _("Message Rejected"), _("Your message has been rejected"))
        notification.create_notice_type("postman_message", _("Message Received"), _("You have received a message"))
        notification.create_notice_type("postman_reply", _("Reply Received"), _("You have received a reply"))


    def create_notice_types(*args, **kwargs):
        notification.NoticeType.create("postman_rejection", _("Message Rejected"), _("Your message has been rejected"))
        notification.NoticeType.create("postman_message", _("Message Received"), _("You have received a message"))
        notification.NoticeType.create("postman_reply", _("Reply Received"), _("You have received a reply"))

Comments (4)

  1. mikael_svensson reporter

    Thanks for the fix. I found more syntax changes but i don't know if that affects django-postman. I recommend that you look through the code using django-notification if you have time.

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