users can send message to themselves?

Issue #2 invalid
Si Feng created an issue

In django-postman I am able to send message to myself. But I cannot see those messages in my inbox (in outbox I can). So I think users are not supposed to send messages to themselves, right? If so, please set proper limitation in views so that users cannot send messages to themselves at first place. Thanks.

Comments (2)

  1. Patrick Samson repo owner

    CAN'T BE REPRODUCED There is no restriction about sending to oneself. If you don't see the message in inbox, it may be only because the message is not yet accepted by the moderator. Try again with the auto-moderation setting, or moderate the message to the 'accepted' state, and it will appear in your inbox. Otherwise, give more details (such as the record in the postman_message table).

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