OSX INCLUDE tim files, end of line issue

Issue #21 resolved
Former user created an issue

There appears to be an OSX specific bug in readTimfile() in version 2016.11.0.

When trying to read in a tim file that contains INCLUDE statements I encounter the following error:

Current filename = J0023+0923.IPTADR2v1.tim
Rel path = /Users/ptb/ipta/J0023+0923/tims/J0023+0923_NANOGrav_9yv1.ti
ERROR [FILE4]: Unable to open timfile >/Users/ptb/ipta/J0023+0923/tims/J0023+0923_NANOGrav_9yv1.ti<

Note the missing "m" at the end of the filename. If I manually add any one character after the filename in the .tim, that trailing character is stripped and things progress normally.

On CentOS 6.8 (bowser at WVU) everything works. I see the issue on OSX v10.11.6.

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Keith

    Ok, this bug is my fault - trying to deal with newlines getting into the end of flag values. I think that I've found a better solution, essentially make sure that tempo2 strips all non-printing chars from the end of the line rather than assuming line breaks are \n.

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