Incorrect chi^2 when running tempo2 with GLS?

Issue #28 closed
Megan DeCesar created an issue

As part of the IPTA DR2 and for future IPTA releases, we'd like to run a script that will test the significance of additional parameters in the timing models (NANOGrav does this and has found it really useful). This is especially important once the noise model parameters have been included in the parfiles, because some timing parameters might then become less significant. The script uses an f-test to determine the parameter significance, so we just need the chi^2 from the fit.

Some of us have started modifying the NANOGrav's "finalize_timing" script to use for the IPTA dataset, but Paul Demorest found that the chi^2 from tempo2 isn't correct when using GLS. Do you know why this might be, or how it could be fixed? Thank you!

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Keith

    My understanding is that this is not a bug, but an an issue with how the code was run. There was a large email thread outside of the bug report, but my understanding is that the issue was resolved. Please do open a new bug if there is specific issues still outstanding.

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