dlerror() = /home/psr/pulsar_software/tempo2/T2runtime/plugins//temponest_linux_plug.t2: undefined symbol: mpi_abort_

Issue #53 invalid
Former user created an issue

I installed the temponest in my compute follow the steps in [http://www.ljtwebdevelopment.com/pulsarref/pulsar-software-install-centos-64bit.html#] There was no error in the install process. Then ,I run : tempo2 -gr temponest -h, The following error occurred: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under conditions of GPL license.

Looking for /home/psr/pulsar_software/tempo2/T2runtime/plugins//temponest_linux_plug.t2 dlerror() = /home/psr/pulsar_software/tempo2/T2runtime/plugins//temponest_linux_plug.t2: undefined symbol: mpi_abort_ [error]: dlopen() failed while resolving symbols.

I down't know how to resolve it.

Comments (1)

  1. Michael Keith

    Hello. The error message you are seeing is because the temponest plugin was not found. Either it did not build or you did not install it into the right place. You might want to confirm this by checking $TEMPO2/plugins and verify that the file is not there. If the temponest file is there, but has something strange in the file name, it might be that you need to set something like LOGIN_ARCH before building temponest.

    Without any more information about what happened when you built temponest, I can't really help more. This is not really a tempo2 bug. Most likely there was some issue building temponest, as it is quite awkward to make it work. Generally temponest is not "supported" in any way, but if you provide some logs of what happened I can take a quick look and see if I can spot something.

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