Cannot install designmatrix_plug.C

Issue #86 resolved
Former user created an issue


I am attempting to install the plugin to get the design matrix for a pulsar model, but I cannot install the relevant plugin.

The error that I get when installing is the following:

/home/npol/tempo2/plugin/designmatrix_plug.C: In function void WriteDesignMatrix(const char*, pulsar*, int)’:
/home/npol/tempo2/plugin/designmatrix_plug.C:207:5: error: FITfuncs was not declared in this scope
  207 |     FITfuncs(pPsr[nTargetPulsar].obsn[i].bat - pPsr[nTargetPulsar].param[param_pepoch].val[0], pdParamDeriv, nParameters, pPsr+nTargetPulsar, i,0);
      |     ^~~~~~~~

FITfuncs is not defined in that .C file, nor could I find it easily in the repository. Could someone let me know if I am doing something wrong? Thanks!

Comments (7)

  1. Michael Keith

    I think this plugin is quite old - it seems to have been commented from the list of plugins some time ago. You can export a number of files related to the fit, including the design matrix, using the -writeres option on tempo2.

  2. Nihan Pol

    oh excellent, thank you! How do I use this flag, i.e. does it write to a file that I need to supply, or does it output to stdout?

  3. Michael Keith

    you will get some files created. I think the raw design matrix is dumped to design.matrix as plain text. There are two index columns and then the design matrix value as well as the “whitened” (i.e. weighted) design matrix value.

    The name of the parameters is also written to a separate file.

    You can also get a design matrix from libstempo, though it is not exactly the same as what is used inside tempo2.

  4. Nihan Pol

    Great, thank you! I’m trying to compare the libstempo design matrix to what we get directly from tempo2, which is why I’m trying to get the design matrix directly from tempo2.

  5. Nihan Pol

    PS: please feel free to mark this issue as closed if you think this plugin (and hence the related issue) is obsolete. I don’t think I can mark it as resolved since it was made under an anonymous user.

  6. Michael Keith

    Issue closed as requested. Please feel free to contact me on slack if there are further questions about the tempo2 design matrix.

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