Cached values used, cannot generate a new O RLY Cover

Issue #1 closed
Kelly Schoenhofen created an issue

I installed the plugin in our cloud hipchat instance, generated one cover with some dummy text, and from then on I can't generate anything different, just the same one. I've tried the web client, the Windows client, changing every value (all text boxes, animal and color) and nothing changes. If I click "share in room" the name of the file changes if I've closed the side bar and reopened it since I last shared in room, but the file itself doesn't change.

e.g. I click share in room and it wants to put a file called "sdf development", the cached value I have from my first cover. I close everything, reopen Hipchat, make a new cover and use the title "12345", click share in room. It generates the same cached picture but the name of the file is 12345.png.

So I know this is unsupported, but I'm opening up a defect just to let you know that as far as I can tell, this is totally down.

Comments (5)

  1. Patrick Streule repo owner

    Hi Kelly. Thanks a lot for reporting it. This is definitely a bug: It looks like the CloudFront CDN is no longer configured to cache based on query parameters, so any variation of the parameters won't have an effect and the image will remain cached for a week. I am looking into what I can do from my end and will also bring it up with the provider where I am hosting the O RLY add-on.

  2. Patrick Streule repo owner

    I found a workaround and filed at bug for the underlying issue.

    You should be able to create covers again. Have fun!

  3. Kelly Schoenhofen Account Deactivated reporter

    PS - the community of users really appreciates the things that come out of the Atlassian Labs - not everything you guys put out is a million-download but even a niche add-on can make hundreds of people happy/more productive/et al. Thanks again!

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