Xbox config sector handling

Issue #118 new
professor_jonny created an issue

Can we add the ability to manage the config sector of the Xbox HDD?

Comments (5)

  1. professor_jonny reporter

    It is more to do with the Xbox live game save profile that is stored in that sector. There are a few games you can not play Without a live profile on the system the ability to backup and recover this sector will allow one to play such games as pranzer dragon orta. I can pass on a config sector backup with a live profile embedded for you to view. Currently no tool on the Xbox is able to recover this sector to a new drive that I'm aware of and requires a hex editor to patch the HDD from a PC or store a profile on a Xbox memory cart to play such games. If one could generate a live profile from XblastOS that would be cool also but there is technical issues around that I believe as it is Microsoft signed I believe.

  2. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    That's really interesting and I must say it could be useful!

    I'm still puzzled as to why Microsoft wouldn't simply use files stored on a HDD partition. Having a fixed sector store data like that seems like it would limit the amount of live enabled profile on a single Xbox. Could the OG have more than 1 live profile per machine?

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