gpio i2c spi etc...

Issue #12 resolved
professor_jonny created an issue

I guess this is related to the scripting engine and i saw a recent commit about it, but the ability to use the gpio for serial addons such as: boblight, touch screen intput, ir blaster, ir reciever, hdd network led, avip mode select lcd control from gpio etc...

Comments (2)

  1. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Input and output pads are accessible and documented in XBlast Install manual. Due to the configuration of those, it is not possible to implement I2C but SPI is available via bit-banging. Scripting engine will be able to accomodate most users, once it's done.

  2. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    Script engine supports bit banging SPI. Due to lack of dedicated hardware (like SPI transceiver) on the XBlast modchip, SPI speed might be too slow for boblight. Timing related interfaces, like UART is also out of the question for the same reason.

    Scripting engine can bitbang SPI, read/write GPIOs on XBlast modchip, read controller button presses, display text on LCD and boot BIOS banks.

    Here's a small demo of scripting engine: [Link Text] URL) This script is available in source code repository under bin/spi_demo.script

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