Ability to show txt from script on boot?

Issue #33 new
professor_jonny created an issue

For example press a for videos hdd or i will boot with games hdd active.

This would probally delay the boot also but if it had a count down timer or something I don't know ?

Comments (2)

  1. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    Text on TV or character LCD? Printing text on character LCD is already done in script Engine.

    Printing text on TV can be a little tricky if you want to run the script as a boot script, before the Main Menu is drawn, as video initialization has not been done at that point.

    If you plan on making such feature by displaying text on character LCD, then it's already supported in script Engine.

  2. professor_jonny reporter

    it was more aimed at the TV display, It would be nice to make use of the display on the TV if it were available on boot as the lcd can be hard to read from a long way away, I under stand the script already works from the lcd but I was unaware of the tv display.

    maybe the use of boot script and a separate startup script would be able to cater after the display is initilised?

    If it said booting bank 1 on the TV if you did not have an lcd fitted it may be handy?

    So I guess that means no logo on boot also my next feature request :-)

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