power down menu info/ options

Issue #37 resolved
professor_jonny created an issue

include power off/reboot with commit/ loose changes to settings in the power menu.

possibility to include a note down the bottom explaining the settings will be saved with the above option and to power off with the power button to loose changes ?

Comments (3)

  1. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    I started working on a feature that shows how many uncommitted changes are present.

    A small text line appears at the bottom left of the screen showing how many uncommitted changes are pending. You can see a list of what settings changed in a new menu entry in "Info" menu screen. Due to screen size limitation, only the first 20 changes are displayed if there's more than 20 changes.

    For now, changes in XBlast settings are registering individually as single change. That means, for example, if you change Fan speed and toggle Quickboot, the system will register 2 changes and show them both in the Info screen.

    It becomes a little more complicated for the EEPROM. The easy way to do this would be to register any change you make to the EEPROM as 1 change. This means that if, for example, you change DVD Region and MAC address, it will only register 1 change. Basically, the method to detect change would be to binary compare the modified EEPROM image in memory with the content of the EEPROM at boot and report a change when there's a mismatch.

    The problem with this is that I would like to enable the possibility of reverting an uncommitted change by selecting said change in the "Uncommitted change" menu. Reverting a change to the EEPROM would mean revert every change back to it's original state (when XBlast booted).

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