ndure 1.3 softmod Xblast OS loading crash xbox ver 1.1

Issue #47 new
professor_jonny created an issue

I made my self a softmod installer out of a spare hdd what i did was:

installed an ndure soft mod on a hdd locked the hdd from the xblast chip then booted the retail bios.

then from the unleash dash i ran xblast os from the HDD using the file manager.

it worked perfectly with a 1.2 a 1.3 and a 1.4 but when doing the same thing on a 1.1 the Xbox shutdown with an orange light when loading the Xblast OS xbe.

i can confirm this problem with three 1.1 xbox consoles. if i ran a minimal version of slayers from the hdd i was able to flash the bios no worries.

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