add x3 eeprom erase

Issue #54 wontfix
professor_jonny created an issue

Add the ability to fix a corrupt eeprom onboard the x3 chip. x3 latest bios build has a bug that corrupts the settings eeprom under if you set a password in x3cl.

This causes the x3 bios to crash on load when booting a x3 bios image.

Comments (5)

  1. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    Good idea, I'll leave like that for the time being as it's not an XBlast-centered feature and it will not benefit a lot of users (isn't there a XBE program that can do just that?). Don't worry, in due time, I will investigate on this!

  2. professor_jonny reporter

    Yip there is an x3 eeprom erase tool but most are not aware of it I have come across several Xboxes with this fault with a suspected dead chip where eeprom corruption was the cause.

  3. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    Do you happen to have the source code of this particular tool? It would save a lot of trouble like SMBus sniffing and X3 EEPROM dumping(which I don't really want to do since my only X3 modchip is in a heavily modded Xbox unit I'd rather not disassemble!

  4. professor_jonny reporter

    sorry I do not and there is probably no hopes of getting it from team Xecuter unless it is on Xbins they have disbanded and officially are moving servers.

    I do have a x3 spare I could send you for development purposes if you wish I have two of them one which is unused.

    but is it really worth your effort for the small amount of times this is a problem, I guess that is up to you :-) but it may be in interest to you in the second version of the Xblast saving settings into an on-board eeprom along with the boot script/ program saves having to squash settings up at the end of the bios image giving you more room to play with?

  5. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    Well as you say, it's not a feature that would be very popular. Combined with the fact that there is a tool made for this and that most recents version(s) of X3 BIOS includes a reset feature (holding A+B+X+Y on cold boot) it makes me not want to pursue this.

    I don't really know what a X3 EEPROM erase sequence includes and I fear I would need to reconstruct the EEPROM to a virgin state.

    I think I read somewhere that X3 EEPROM content is "encrypted" (probably just scrambled) and messing around trying to mimic the behavior of the reset program is not something I'm looking forward to do!

    I'll close this issue for now as I have no plan on making this feature in XBlast OS.

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