hide flashbanks

Issue #65 new
professor_jonny created an issue

Currently you can hide the tsop flash bank from the main display but you cant hide the others would it be possible to do this ?

Comments (3)

  1. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    I guess this could be done but it's kinda hard to see any real need for it. Why buy a modchip if you're not going to use it for it's primary purpose?

  2. professor_jonny reporter

    This is more of a feature tied in with password protection to hide banks from the kids if they should boot into XBlastOS upon turning on the console.

    The ability to un hide it once turning off the password.

  3. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    Good idea, it is planned to have configurable banks that could be hid on user request. But password (or pin) protection would be possible.

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