cant change game regon

Issue #79 resolved
professor_jonny created an issue

the game regon on my xbox as unknown error and when I change it then save the uncommitted it reboots with the same being in changed

I Can only change it to NTSC-U. but on reboot it reverts to unknown error on next boot

in the uncommitted change menu is shows: HDDKEY="00" -> "ED "

Comments (5)

  1. professor_jonny reporter

    it is to do with corruption to the eprom specifically the version and decripted game regon a last resort fixed it, but I'm unsure how it was corrupted in the first place.

    of note if you encounter a corrupted eeprom and try to boot a bios that cant boot through corruption I'm guessing it cant boot back to xblast os as it has already handed over control to the selected bios ?

  2. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    I've changed a bit EEPROM re-encryption to better streamline the process a couple months ago. I must have broke something.

    You're right in your assumption. Once XBlast OS as booted a userbank, it will not defaults back to booting XBlast OS until a cold reboot. This is intended behavior as some BIOS IGR routine soft reset the console when triggered. I didn't want for the modchip to boot back XBlast OS everytime the user wants to IGR back to dash with said BIOS.

  3. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    Ok, I understand your comment now. You initially had a corrupted EEPROM, tried to change the game region in XBlast OS which invariably set it to NTSC-U but upon reboot the change didn't seem to stick. In the end, using "Last Resort Recovery" fixed your issue. Is that it?

    I just tested the Game Region toggle along with Last Resort Recovery on a 1.0, 1.4 and 1.6 and everything worked perfectly.

    I assume your problem was exactly as I described above and does not infer the Game Region setting toggle causes EEPROM corruption.

  4. professor_jonny reporter

    Yip that is correct I was corrupt to begin with and trying to set options would not stick.

    I did not know it was corrupt until I entered the eprom menu it was doing my head in as I coud not get the banks to boot possibly it needs to have a pop up or something to inform you if you try to edit a menu item with a corrupt eprom.

    I don't know how it became corrupt all I had done is play in Xblast OS for a bit and a few reboots powerdowns between edits and it was corrupt.

    of note xblast os allowed me to back up the corrupt eeprom to the modchip.

    I had issues starting hacked bios's after playing in xblast and previously it was ok.

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