Hardware Abstraction Layer

Issue #93 wontfix
professor_jonny created an issue

HAL was used to present the xbox to ReactOS cromwel based loader to hide the real hardware from the console to run ReactOS.

Could this enable the xblast lite to steal cycles from the processor to keep the script engine running when running a retail kernel?

Could such a scheme be implemented into XblastOS to make the xbox appear as a standard Bios or UEFI pc so x86 software could run natively on the console without recompling?

https://svn.reactos.org/svn/reactos/trunk/reactos/hal/halx86/ https://svn.reactos.org/downloads/xbox/

Comments (2)

  1. psyko_chewbacca NA repo owner

    HAL is put in place to make the higher level features of the program platform agnostic.

    In this case, it is used to accommodate the higher level programming of ReactOS so it doesn't need to take into account the special requirements every potential running targets could have. So, instead of having to check up every time on which platform you are currently running to do your OS work, you access your physical resource through a software layer that takes in your request and format it so the specific hardware will understand it. It will also do the same thing the other way around.

    Implementing ReactOS' HAL would help if I wanted to run XBlast OS on a x86 PC. That's about it.

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