
Piotr Szrajber Smart M.App - Create PDF reports with ability to upload it to M.App Chest as "My Content"

Created by Piotr Szrajber
.spinner {
   position: absolute;
   left: 50%;
   top: 50%;
   margin:0px auto;
   -webkit-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   -moz-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   -o-animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   animation: rotation .6s infinite linear;
   border-left:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
   border-right:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
   border-bottom:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.15);
   border-top:6px solid rgba(0,174,239,.8);

@-webkit-keyframes rotation {
   from {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {-webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);}
@-moz-keyframes rotation {
   from {-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {-moz-transform: rotate(359deg);}
@-o-keyframes rotation {
   from {-o-transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {-o-transform: rotate(359deg);}
@keyframes rotation {
   from {transform: rotate(0deg);}
   to {transform: rotate(359deg);}

.box-my-content .widget-chart, .box-pdf-report .widget-chart {
    color: #000;

#pdfReport1 {
    width: 100%;
    border: none;
    height: calc(100% - 30px);

.pdf-tools {
    color: #000;
//# sourceURL=custom.js
* PDF Reports and My Content window (my PDF reports on M.App Chest)
* Assumptions:
* - the App contains 2 "custom chart containers":
*   - one with CSS class "box-pdf-report"
*   - second with CSS class "box-my-content"
* - There is a folder called "REPORTS" on your M.App Chest
* - You change the API Key below to your API Key from M.App Studio (IMPORTANT!!!)
* Creating PDF reports works thanks to the PDFMake library
 * The PDFMake library is licensed under MIT.
 * In order to use this snippet you need to add references (EXT in the Studio Customization Step) to the following external scripts
 *   - "",
 *   - ""
 * This script assumes that you have 2 Custom Widget Containers created in the UI:
 *   - one with CSS class set to "box-pdf-report".
 *   - second with CSS class set to "box-my-content".
 * 2017-11-10 Piotr Szrajber <>

//TODO: change the API key!!!
var API_KEY = "!!!CHANGE ME!!!",
    PDF_WINDOW_CSS_CLASS = ".box-pdf-report",
    MY_CONTENT_WINDOW_CSS_CLASS = ".box-my-content";

// global variables

var $myContent;
var $myContentInterior;
var $reportWindow;

//Here you can change folder name.
var folderName = "REPORTS";
var folderPath = "ROOT/" + folderName;

function fetchFilesFromMappChest(folderName, callback, errback) {
      path: "api/v1/search.json",
      method: "POST",
      entity: {
    	maxresults: 999999,
        orderby: ["name asc"],
        owner: "me",
        profile: "eac-brief",
        template: {
          "class": [
        let dataObjs = request.entity.results;
        if (typeof errback === "function")

function refreshMyItems() {
    $myContentInterior.html(`<div class="spinner"></div>`);
    fetchFilesFromMappChest(folderName, renderMyItems);

function showMyItems() {

function renderMyItems(dataObjs) {
    var html = "";
    for (var i = 0; i <= dataObjs.length; i++) {
        let dataset = dataObjs[i];
        if (!dataset || !dataset.parent || dataset.parent === "undefined") {
        } else if ( === folderName) {
            //Injecting list items
            var href = `${}/attachments/default?apiKey=${API_KEY}`;
            html += `<li><b>Name:</b> <a href="${href}" target="_blank">${}</a></li>`;

function uploadFile(file, callback, errback) {
    $GP.m_app.platform.catalog.upload(file, folderPath, function (response) {
        if (!((typeof response !== "undefined" && response !== null) || !reponse.success)) {
            if (typeof errback === "function")
        itemId = response.itemId;
        if (typeof callback === "function")
    }, errback);

function init() {
    $myContent = $(MY_CONTENT_WINDOW_CSS_CLASS);
    $myContentInterior = $myContent.find(".widget-chart");
    $myContent.find("a.hide-content").click(function() {

    $reportWindow = $(PDF_WINDOW_CSS_CLASS);

    <iframe id="pdfReport1" src=""></iframe>
    <div class="pdf-tools">
        <button class="download">Download</button>
        <button class="save">Save to My Content</button>
    $reportWindowCloseButton = $reportWindow.find("a.hide-content");
    $ {

    // Generate PDF report
        id: "new-toolbar-item",
        title: "PDF Report",
        style: "background-position: 0px 0px;" /* CHANGE_ICON */
    }, function (ret){
        ret.div.onclick = generateReport;

    // List My Content
        id: "new-toolbar-item",
        title: "My Content",
        style: "background-position: 0px 0px;" /* CHANGE_ICON */
    }, function (ret){
        ret.div.onclick = showMyItems


function generateReport() {, function(stage) {
        // open the PDF in a new window
        var timestamp = new Date();
        var filename = `PDF Report ${timestamp.getHours()} ${timestamp.getMinutes()} ${timestamp.getSeconds()}.PDF`;
        var dd = getPdfContent(stage);
        var doc = pdfMake.createPdf(dd);
        var f = document.getElementById('pdfReport1');

        $reportWindow.find("").click(function() {
        var callback = function(url) {
            f.setAttribute('src', url);
        doc.getDataUrl(callback, doc);
    }, function() {
        console.warn("Could not find stage");

// Prepare PDF content using PDFMake templates
// It's really easy to prepare complex PDFs with the PDFMake Playground
function getPdfContent(stage) {
    //var burntAreasByLandCover = prepareAggregation(stage, "Desc_Easy", "Land Cover");
    //var burntAreasByMunicipality = prepareAggregation(stage, "COMUNE", "COMUNE");
    //var burntAreasByFireId = prepareAggregation(stage, "Fire_ID", "Fire ID");

    return {
        content: [{
                text: 'Tables',
                style: 'header'
            'Official documentation is in progress, this document is just a glimpse of what is possible with pdfmake and its layout engine.',
                text: 'A simple table (no headers, no width specified, no spans, no styling)',
                style: 'subheader'
            'The following table has nothing more than a body array',
                style: 'tableExample',
                table: {
                    body: [
                        ['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3'],
                        ['One value goes here', 'Another one here', 'OK?']
        styles: {
            header: {
                fontSize: 18,
                bold: true,
                margin: [0, 0, 0, 10]
            subheader: {
                fontSize: 16,
                bold: true,
                margin: [0, 10, 0, 5]
            tableExample: {
                margin: [0, 5, 0, 15]
            tableHeader: {
                bold: true,
                fontSize: 13,
                color: 'black'
        defaultStyle: {
            // alignment: 'justify'


// sample aggregations. this is just an example as it really depends on the data model
function prepareAggregation(stage, aggregateBy, title) {
    //var allRowsInCurrentSelection = stage.facts().dimension(function(d){
    //    return d.Object_ID;

    var firesByDesc = stage.facts().dimension(function(d) {
        return [d[aggregateBy], d.Severity];
    }); // dimension that splits data according to description and severity

    var results = {
        return a;
    }).reduce(function(p, v) {
        return p + v.Area_ha;
    }, function(p, v) {
        return p - v.Area_ha;
    }, function() {
        return 0;

    var resultsAsMatrix = results.reduce(function(acc, v) {
        acc[v.key[0]] = acc[v.key[0]] || {};
        acc[v.key[0]][v.key[1]] = v.value;
        return acc;
    }, {});

    var tableBody = [
            text: title,
            style: 'tableHeader'
        }, {
            text: 'Low Severity',
            style: 'tableHeader'
        }, {
            text: 'Moderate Severity',
            style: 'tableHeader'
        }, {
            text: 'High Severity',
            style: 'tableHeader'

    for (var desc in resultsAsMatrix) {
        var s5 = resultsAsMatrix[desc][5] || 0.0;
        var s6 = resultsAsMatrix[desc][6] || 0.0;
        var s7 = resultsAsMatrix[desc][7] || 0.0;

        var tableRow = [{
            text: desc,
            style: 'tableHeader'
        }, s5.toFixed(2), s6.toFixed(2), s7.toFixed(2)];

    return tableBody;

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