Better customization of optimization zones

Issue #1 new
Jason Wang created an issue

In general, the user should be able to specify custom annuli ranges and subsection ranges (e.g. annuli 1 goes from 10-20 pixels, annuli 2 goes from 15-35 pixels...).

Specifically we want the ability to both vary the size of the zones and to make overlapping zones.

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Wang reporter

    We could also possibly merge in the 'onesegment' functionality into here as just a specific custom annuli range where there is one segment specified due to the radial/azimuthal specifications.

  2. Jason Wang reporter

    Overlapping zones which rotate with the sky are in pyklip-fm implemented in I would say custom annuli ranges in regular pyklip are still desirable though and should be implemented.

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