Reaching number of file open limit

Issue #15 open
Jean-Baptiste Ruffio created an issue

Can't read many files in the dataset structure.

It looks like the process_file function creates a lot of file handles that are not closed by the hdulist.close() statement. Are maybe something else?

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Comments (6)

  1. Jean-Baptiste Ruffio reporter

    Actually Kate had the issue with MAGAO. Never had it with GPI. She is apparently reaching the 4000 files limit set up on our computer.

  2. Jason Wang

    It sounds like the easy fix would be to increase the file limit on your computer. Otherwise, it sounds like the next thing to try would be applying the fix in the link to the code that reads in the files.

  3. Jean-Baptiste Ruffio reporter

    Yeah that's what she did. But I feel like that's something that should not happen. Probably not urgent to fix though.

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