Question about Detection module

Issue #32 resolved
Jonas Kemmer created an issue


I noticed something unwanted when using the Detection module to find peaks in a SNR image. Currently the loop over the maxima is constructed such that also the next peak below the threshold will be returned:

        max_val_criter = np.nanmax(image_cpy)
        while max_val_criter >= threshold:# and k <= max_attempts:
            k += 1
            # Find the maximum value in the current criterion map. At each iteration the previous maximum is masked out.
            max_val_criter = np.nanmax(image_cpy)

Shouldn't be the criterion:

        while max_val_criter > threshold:# and k <= max_attempts:

What is the purpose of looping for one more peak?

With kind regards, Jonas

Comments (4)

  1. Jean-Baptiste Ruffio

    You are right!

    There is no purpose of looping one more time. Thanks for catching this! (The only thing I would say is the idea behind the function was more to list blobs in the image for which you can apply a hard threshold later on.)

    I corrected this in the latest commit (including the grand cleaning of the code).


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