Missing keyword "numthreads" when calling "generate_noise_maps"

Issue #34 resolved
Jonas Kemmer created an issue


I noticed a bug in "klip_parallelized_lite" and "klip_parallelized". In both functions, when "generate_noise_maps" is called, the number of threads is not passed. This causes the function to take the default of None and thus using all cores.

Best regards, Jonas

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Wang

    Hi Jonas, thanks for noticing this! I just fixed this bug in commit a8693f7. Let me know if you have any issues.

    Also, if you are interested in commiting, you are welcome to make your own bug fixes and contributing them to the repository. All you need to do is fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request (proper way to do it). Or I can give you some write access to pyklip.


  2. Jonas Kemmer reporter

    Hello Jason,

    thanks for your quick response and also your offer. Indeed, I should fork the repository and contribute myself.

    Best regards, Jonas

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