Matplotlib version issue on install

Issue #50 resolved
Rachel Bowens-Rubin created an issue

While running the python develop

command in the installation instructions, I’m running into an issue installing Matplotlib. I set up a conda environment using python 3.5 as per the instructions (“The main pyKLIP code is cross-compatible with both python2.7 and python3.5”). I’m getting the following error message: error: Setup script exited with

Beginning with Matplotlib 3.8, Python 3.9 or above is required.

You are using Python 3.5.6.

Would you recommend doing install using a newer version of python or a specific version of matplotlib?

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Wang

    You should use the latest version of python 3. I will update the instructions to clarify this. Thanks!

  2. Jason Wang

    Updated the install docs for the first time in a long time… closing this. Re-open if you still have issues.

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