Pybtex escapes ampersands incorrectly when writing to file

Issue #101 resolved
Rasmus created an issue

There are some things which need to be escaped in bibtex, e.g. {{F}orce capitalization}, This \& that and so on. When using BibliographyData#to_file(bib_format='bibtex'), ampersands get escaped, while other things get rendered correctly. This not only destroys urls, but compounds as a file is read and written mutliple times. There must be a way to avoid this without plugging in a custom Writer.

The problem seems to be that codecs.encode(text, 'ulatex+{}'.format(self.encoding)) in assumes the text passed in is not already latex, but rather some plain text format (in self.encoding encoding). This is usually a misplaced assumption, since the text in BibTex files will often have LaTeX escapes inside, meaning it is already latex-encoded.

Am I misunderstanding something?

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