Publisher names separated by commas

Issue #114 new
Marcelo Cabral Ghilardi created an issue


I cant create branche or fork
But I fixed a problem
In the Scopus library, the publisher names are separated by commas
editor={Elgammal A., Chalidabhongse T.H., Aramvith S., Ho Y.-S., Schoeffmann K., Ngo C.W., O'Connor N.E., Gabbouj M.},

What I do is, after split name, I count names and commas number.
If count name equals 1 and count commas > 1, I replace commas for "and"s

File: \GitHub\pybtex\pybtex\bibtex\
Function: def split_tex_string(string, sep=None, strip=True, filter_empty=False):

if filter_empty:
        result = [part for part in result if part]

    # publisher names separated by commas - kabrau 2018-05-03
    # e.g: "Elgammal A., Chalidabhongse T.H., Aramvith S., Ho Y.-S., Schoeffmann K., Ngo C.W., O'Connor N.E., Gabbouj M."
    if (len(result)==1 and len(result[0].split(','))>1):
        return split_name_list(result[0].replace(',',' and '))

    return result

Comments (1)

  1. mikedeplume

    In the general case a name can contain a comma. This makes the simple comma split ambiguous. I had to read my input file to identify instances of comma overload and fix by hand.

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