Overzealous escaping of backslash

Issue #118 new
Former user created an issue

Reading and writing to file (at least with the default mechanisms) does not produce a transparent result (it should). The following Python

from pybtex.database.input import bibtex

bib_data = bibtex.Parser().parse_file('some_file_in.bib')

...does not produce an output that is equivalent to the input for how latex bibliographic tools later handle the file. (That the file is not the same is not a problem, but there are latex-syntax errors.)

In my particular case I fed

% 'some_file_in'
 abstract = {},
 author = {Speth, Raymond L.},
 year = {2016},
 title = {adiabatic{\_}flame.py},
 url = {http://cantera.org/docs/sphinx/html/cython/examples/onedim_adiabatic_flame.html}

and the output is

% 'some_file_out'
    author = "Speth, Raymond L.",
    abstract = "",
    year = "2016",
    title = "adiabatic{\\_}flame.py",
    url = "http://cantera.org/docs/sphinx/html/cython/examples/onedim\_adiabatic\_flame.html"

Notice the title field; later on, {\_} is not parsed correctly by my lualatex/biber combination.

Comments (2)

  1. mikedeplume

    I needed this when trying to reconstruct a bib file by merging subsets from other bib files. I managed by commenting out the ulatex encoding in …output.bibtex.py

    Not satisfactory, but did the job.

  2. Andreas Naumann

    Is it possible to extend the bibtex writer with an option “no-decode” (or similar)? Then the user might decide what to do, when calling database.to_string(...)

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