Availability on CTAN

Issue #120 new
Sergio Callegari created an issue

It looks like pybtex is currently not available on CTAN. Given its good state of maturity and the many issues of plain bibtex with unicode, having pybtex on CTAN would represent a significant help to those LaTeX users that routinely refer to CTAN for their LaTeX tools.

Furthermore, recent talks on the Latex developers mailing list have underlined the need for a bibtex overhaul to support unicode and pybtex could be a good canditate for that.

Finally, in case upload of pybtex to CTAN is considered, the uploading of a version that is fully self locating (that is a tree that can be dropped anywhere without the need to run any setup.py and where the tool can find the location of its library parts only based on $0) would also enable the inclusion in texlive, where it could effectively become a drop in replacement for bibtex for many users.

Comments (3)

  1. Andrey Golovizin

    Nice idea, didn't know it is possible to publish Python tools on CTAN. It shouldn't be too hard to build a self-contained bundle, I'll try to throw together a script for that, maybe this weekend.

    Not sure if I'll have enough time to maintain a CTAN package though. Would you like to become a maintainer? :)

  2. Andrey Golovizin

    P.S. Sorry for late late reply. I'm not getting email notifications from Bitbucket for some reason.

  3. Andrey Golovizin

    Added a simple bundle.sh script in the bundle branch. Just run ./bundle.sh and it should create a self-contained bundle in the ./bundle subdirectory. Want to give it a try? :)

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