Allow emphasis for specific words in titles

Issue #133 new
Paolo created an issue

I have a title that includes a word in Latin. This word should be emphasized. The title is: “A digital critical edition model for Priscian: glosses, graeca, quotations”. The word graeca should have emphasis, as in \emph{graeca}, so when the whole title is in roman, graeca should be in italics (A digital critical edition model for Priscian: glosses, graeca, quotations); and when the whole title is in italics, graeca should be in roman (A digital critical edition model for Priscian: glosses, graeca_, quotations_). Currently, if I include \emph{} or \textit{} in the ‘title’ field, the output is: “A digital critical edition model for Priscian: glosses, emph graeca, quotations” or “A digital critical edition model for Priscian: glosses, textit graeca, quotations” respectively.

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