No way to render <br> or <p>?

Issue #149 new
Johann Petrak created an issue

The expression Text("some text", Tag("<br>"), "more text").render_as("html") creates the string
"some textmore text" but should really create "some text<br>more text"

Is there any way to deliberately insert newlines or paragraph separators into the rendered html?

If this is not possible, I think the inability to render this properly should be considered a bug as it is essential for formatting bibliography entries as HTML

Comments (2)

  1. Johann Petrak reporter

    It seems that when pybtex renderes some bibtex entry as HTML, it outputs “\n” instead of “<br>” ?

  2. Johann Petrak reporter

    It is also not possible to work around this by providing e.g. a “span” with some class to do the formatting by css, something like this would also be helpful: Tag("span", thetext, attr_class="title")

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