
Issue #17 resolved
Former user created an issue


pybtex jlm-bibexample.aux


pybtex -e utf8 jlm-bibexample.aux


UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u015b' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

The aux file is created with XeLaTeX and contains in particular


Bug or feature?

Best regards


Comments (6)

  1. Andrey Golovizin

    Can you please post the full traceback and attach the whole jlm-bibexample.aux file and the .bib file you are using so I could reproduce the erorr?

    Also, what version are you using? (pybtex --version)

  2. Former user Account Deleted


    The database is missing some references, but it should not crash the program.

    Actually I switched to biblatex/biber, but I post the requested files in hope it may help other pybtex users.

  3. Andrey Golovizin

    Thanks Janusz,

    Actually you forgot to include the .bib file, but I believe this bug has been already fixed in recent versions. Could you please try pybtex-0.17 and see if it works?

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Only pybtex-0.15 is available on Debian, even in testing and unstable distribution. Somebody should make a request to update it.

    As I said earlier, I switched to biblatex/biber, so I have no motivation to do it myself.

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