Provide support for IEEEtran BST control entries

Issue #19 resolved
Former user created an issue

Articles published in IEEE journals have their bibliography formatted with the IEEEtran.bst bibtex style file (see and

This style file is made configurable via special control entries like

  CTLdash_repeated_names   = "no",
  CTLpunctuation_within_quotes  = "no",
  CTLuse_publisher_with_journals = "yes",
  CTLuse_issn_with_journals = "yes"

that get cited using the special command


in order to activate the configuration options defined as CTL entries in the bib entry. The special command is defined in the IEEEtran.cls class file or in the IEEEtrantools.sty package.

This mechanism currently does not work in pybtex. In fact, pybtex complains that the special entry type is not defined in the style file, when in fact it is.

Would be great if pybtex could retain compatibility with bibtex in this aspect.

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