Change or delete keys in BIbliographyData

Issue #57 open
Former user created an issue

Hi I am trying to change the key string in a BibliographyData.entries dictionary. My aproach is to copy items with the new key and them delete the old elements. The first part works fine, but deletion is not implemented in OrderedCaseInsensitiveDict. Do you know any other way to do this?

\(I am running dev branch from launchpad 2012-10-07\)

Comments (4)

  1. Rasmus

    Is this something that is hard to implement? Seems like an obvious feature. I'm trying with entries.__dict__['_dict'][k], but there should be a cleaner way.

  2. Ed Summers

    This bit me as well. It would be nice if the PR was merged. I had to manually convert entry.fields to a dictionary, modify it, and then add it back to entry.fields again which felt … less than optimal.

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