WoS bibtex has two braces each

Issue #59 wontfix
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This results in entries like "{title}" when I expected "title". Also month values do not get parsed :-( A complete entry:

@​article{ ISI:000307517500010, Author = {Matthews, Alan Peter}, Title = {{South African universities in world rankings}}, Journal = {{SCIENTOMETRICS}}, Year = {{2012}}, Volume = {{92}}, Number = {{3}}, Pages = {{675-695}}, Month = {{SEP}}, Abstract = {{South Africa has 23 universities, of which five are placed in one or more of the 2011 Shanghai Jiao Tong, Times Higher Education, and Quacquarelli Symonds world university rankings. The five are: Cape Town, Witwatersrand, KwaZulu-Natal, Stellenbosch and Pretoria. They are ranked above the other 18 universities, with Cape Town in top position, mainly because they have significantly higher publication and citation counts. In the Shanghai Jiao Tong ranking Cape Town's Nobel Prize alumni and highly-cited researchers give it an additional lead over second-placed Witwatersrand, which has Nobel Prize alumni but no highly-cited researchers. KwaZulu-Natal, in third place, has no Nobel Prize alumni but one highly-cited researcher, which places it ahead of Stellenbosch and Pretoria despite the latter two having higher publication output. However, in the Times Higher Education ranking, which places Cape Town first and Witwatersrand second, Stellenbosch is ranked but not KwaZulu-Natal, presumably because the publication and citation counts of Stellenbosch are higher. The other 18 universities are ranked by the SCImago and Webometrics rankings in an order consistent with bibliometric indicators, and consistent with approximate simulations of the Shanghai Jiao Tong and Times Higher Education methods. If a South African university aspires to rise in the rankings, it needs to increase publications, citations, staff-student ratio, and proportions of postgraduate students, international students and international staff.}}, Publisher = {{SPRINGER}}, Address = {{VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS}}, Type = {{Article}}, Language = {{English}}, Affiliation = {{Matthews, AP (Reprint Author), Univ KwaZulu Natal, Sch Phys, Westville Campus, ZA-4001 Durban, South Africa.. Univ KwaZulu Natal, Sch Phys, ZA-4001 Durban, South Africa.}}, DOI = {{10.1007/s11192-011-0611-7}}, ISSN = {{0138-9130}}, Keywords = {{South African universities; World university rankings; Bibliometric analysis; Shanghai Jiao Tong ranking; Times Higher Education ranking}}, Keywords-Plus = {{FATAL ATTRACTION; ACADEMIC RANKING}}, Research-Areas = {{Computer Science; Information Science \& Library Science}}, Web-of-Science-Categories = {{Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science \& Library Science}}, Author-Email = {{matthewsa@​ukzn.ac.za}}, Cited-References = {{Abt HA, 2007, SCIENTOMETRICS, V73, P353, DOI 10.1007/s11192-007-1822-9. Adams J., 2010, GLOBAL RES REPORT AF. Aguillo IF, 2010, SCIENTOMETRICS, V85, P243, DOI 10.1007/s11192-010-0190-z. Asknes D. W., 2003, RES EVALUAT, V12, P159. Bejan A., 2007, INT J DESIGN NATURE, V2, P319. Billaut JC, 2010, SCIENTOMETRICS, V84, P237, DOI 10.1007/s11192-009-0115-x. Bookstein FL, 2010, SCIENTOMETRICS, V85, P295, DOI 10.1007/s11192-010-0189-5. Boshoff N., 2009, S AFRICAN J HIGHER E, V23, P635. Buela-Casal G, 2007, SCIENTOMETRICS, V71, P349, DOI 10.1007/s11192-007-1653-8. Butler D, 2007, NATURE, V447, P514, DOI 10.1038/447514b. Dehon C, 2010, SCIENTOMETRICS, V83, P515, DOI 10.1007/s11192-009-0076-0. Dept of Education, 2010, ED STAT S AFR 2009. Florian RV, 2007, SCIENTOMETRICS, V72, P25, DOI 10.1007/s11192-07-1712-1. Hirsch JE, 2005, P NATL ACAD SCI USA, V102, P16569, DOI 10.1073/pnas.0507655102. Ioannidis JP, 2007, BMC MED, V5, DOI 10.1186/1741-7015-5-30. Leiden, 2011, LEIDEN RANKING 2010. Liu NC, 2005, SCIENTOMETRICS, V64, P101, DOI 10.1007/s11192-005-0241-z. Marginson S., 2007, HIGH EDUC, V52, P1. Morphew C. C., 2011, EFFICACY RAISING YOU. Parker JN, 2010, SCIENTOMETRICS, V85, P129, DOI 10.1007/s11192-010-0234-4. Pouris A., 2006, HIGH EDUC, V54. QS, 2011, QS WORLD U RANK 2011. Shin J. C., 2011, CHANGING ACAD CHANGI. SIR, 2011, SCIMAGO I RANK WORLD. SJTU, 2011, AC RANK WORLD U 2011. SU, 2011, SU NOW TIM HIGH ED W. Tettey W. J., 2010, CHALLENGES DEV RATAI. THE, 2011, TIM HIGH WORLD U RAN. Tijssen RJW, 2007, SCIENTOMETRICS, V71, P303, DOI 10.1007/s11192-007-1658-3. UCT, 2011, STRAT PLAN U CAP TOW, P10. UKZN, 2011, STR PLAN 2007 2016 1, P17. UP, 2011, STRAT PLAN 2007 2011. Van Raan AFJ, 2005, SCIENTOMETRICS, V62, P133, DOI 10.1007/s11192-005-0008-6. Webometrics, 2011, RANK WEB WORLD U. WITS, 2011, WITS REP BUILT RES A. Wuchty S, 2007, SCIENCE, V316, P1036, DOI 10.1126/science.1136099.}}, Number-of-Cited-References = {{36}}, Times-Cited = {{0}}, Journal-ISO = {{Scientometrics}}, Doc-Delivery-Number = {{988UZ}}, Unique-ID = {{ISI:000307517500010}}, }

Comments (4)

  1. Andrey Golovizin

    {{Double braces}} around field values aren't standard BibTeX syntax, so Pybtex currently does not support them. There are many ways to go about that:

    • Write a simple script to parse the fle and remove the extra braces.
    • Write a custom input plugin for Pybtex (can be a subclass of pybtex.database.input.bibtex.Parser). We'd be glad to add a link to the plugin from our site. :)
    • Use JabRef: Preferences -> File -> Remove double braces around BibTeX fields when loading.
    • Ask WoS guys to fix their output. ;)
  2. Andrey Golovizin

    The syntax is perfectly valid, it is just that the extra braces are not automatically removed by BibTeX (and Pybtex) and simply go to the output.

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