Should not latex decode some fields

Issue #86 resolved
Jan Gosmann created an issue

When formatting a bibliography like this

style = pybtex.stylce.formatting.plain.Style

it will fail on “url” fields where the URL contains a percent sign. The current version of latexcodec (1.0.3) raises an exception, the upcoming version (1.0.4) will cut off everything behind the percent sign because it is treated as a comment.

Latex decoding should not be applied to some fields like URL (not sure what other fields). My workaround at the moment is:

from import FieldIsMissing, href, join, node, words

def raw_field(children, data, name, apply_func=None):
    """Return the raw contens of the bibliography entry field.

    This function does not decode special LaTeX characters."""
    assert not children
        field = data.fields[name]
    except KeyError:
        raise FieldIsMissing(name, data)
        if apply_func:
            field = applay_func(field)
        return field

class NonURLDecodingPlainStyle(
    """Plain text pybtex style which does not attempt to latex decode URLs."""

    def format_url(self, e):
        return words [
            href [
                join(' ') [

style = NonURLDecodingPlainStyle()

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