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WiFi Speed Test for Android


This program is designed for WiFi Speed Test for Android application for server side of local computers.

If you have never heard about this program, you can find more details and information in my blog:

How to use it:

  • Download and start wifi_speed_test_server.exe
  • if you start it in a cmd window, you can get the help using this command: wifi_speed_test_server.exe --help

If it does not start, you may need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package too.

Alternative solution if you are using Linux-based operating system:

Running the python-based verson:

  • You can download Python from here:

  • If you have Python 2.x installed, start this file:

  • If you have Python 3.x installed, start this file:

Only one thing is left, you should start WiFi Speed Test application on your mobile device and connect to your computer running wifi_speed_test_server. The simpliest way is to click on browse button to find the server. If it does not work then use this method:

To get the the local IP address of this computer, just execute the following command: ipconfig and get the value of "IP Address" field (on local network this IP address should be in either 192.168.X.X or 10.X.X.X form).

Example (in this example you should give the as server in the WiFi Speed Test application. If you don't find this settings just scroll down in the application.):

Windows IP Configuration Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 4:

    Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
    IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :


c:\Users\pzole\AndroidStudioProjects\tcpserver>"c:\Python27\python.exe" --help
Usage: [options] [tcp_port]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode
  -b BROADCAST, --broadcast=BROADCAST
                        The broadcast IP address
  -e SOCKET_RCV_BUF, --socket-rcv-buf=SOCKET_RCV_BUF
                        The minimum size of the socket receive buffer. If the
                        system default is higher that will be used. Usage: -e
                        131072 or -e 128K
  -s SOCKET_SND_BUF, --socket-snd-buf=SOCKET_SND_BUF
                        The minimum size of the socket send buffer. If the
                        system default is higher that will be used. Usage: -s
                        131072 or -e 128K
  -u UDP_PORT, --udp-port=UDP_PORT
                        set udp port

Test between PCs

If you want to test the speed between your computers, you can use my wifi-speed-test-client on your computer. To run this software, you need java to be installed. You can download the client software for your PC from here:
