yo ng generator does not work when generator-ng is installed globally

Issue #1 invalid
Pavel Nikolov created an issue

The "yo ng" command results in error (saying that the generator does not exist) when I run it from an angular project root dir. The generator-ng has been installed globally with the "-g" option. I have installed version 0.0.7. My npm version is 1.3.8. When I installed the generator locally it works just fine (npm install generator-ng).

Comments (7)

  1. Quentin Raynaud repo owner

    I don't have access to my computer right now to check versions but I believe I'm using a previous yo version. Can you try on a pre 1.0 version ? It is yo that is responsible for finding the generator so I don't think I can do much about this. Still I'll look into it as soon as I have some time (likely this evening).

  2. Quentin Raynaud repo owner

    I just tried on my computer (again) with the same version of yo than you. No problem there.

    What OS are you using ? I've validated generator-ng on Mac OS X & Linux but never on Windows...

  3. Quentin Raynaud repo owner

    OK, I'm sorry to say this but I can't reproduce this one at all. I'll have to close it, at least until I can get better info about this.

  4. Quentin Raynaud repo owner

    I just upgraded generator-ng to make it compatible with yo 1.0.3. Can you try the new 0.1.0 version ? I hope it will solve your issue...

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