Doesnt work, new version

Issue #4 invalid
Ender created an issue

Hi, the latest version doesnt work, i mean, took forever to load or create a world with only this mod installed,

Comments (1)

  1. Queekusme Epiphany repo owner

    Please don't fill this tracker with 'It doesn't work' issues. This is actually not very helpful. It sounds like you didn't actually have a crash and anything slow us more related to mine craft than me.

    Everybody's computer's different meaning that if it's slow for you, it's not necessarily slow for others.

    In future please only post crashes, bugs and stuff you think are bugs. If you think that there may be a bug and you aren't sure, contact me on Twitter at "queekusme" (damn bit bucket parsing @ as users on its own site) first and I'll speak with you to try and find what's happening.

    Also, if you can't repeat a bug, I.e. It only happens once then not at all, then there's not much I can do to fix it as I need to reproduce it my end, just a heads up :)

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